Being employed means more than generating an income, yet it’s easy to develop a case of tunnel vision when you are only considering jobs that meet your salary expectations. That brings me to one of the most anxiety provoking aspects of job searching next to practicing interview questions — the salary discussion.

Even the most well-versed and confident job candidate can get side-tracked by talking about compensation. Generally speaking, the topic of money is such a private matter that most candidates hope for the best by trial and error when their salary comes up during the interview.

No doubt there are times in life where you might need to take a job for the sake of income outside of career interests and hopefully those times will not last long. In the meantime, instead of discussing how to increase your compensation, I thought it might be good to get another perspective of the salary issue. Money is not the only thing that matters when making career decisions.

Many times, candidates will jump to conclusions when contemplating whether a job is right for them, based on pay rather than looking at the potential benefits in the long run. For example, when you are thinking about changing career paths. A friend of mine was tired of her industry and wanted to change career directions. She was offered a job with a lower salary but gaining knowledge and experience in a new area will pay off for her in the future.

Instead of solely judging an opportunity on what it pays, take the time to look at the other benefits that might be intangible. Another way of looking at salary is what you are willing to give up in exchange for a large compensation package. Many times what you “hear” pertaining to a certain job might not be completely true and rather than eliminating opportunities, consider taking the time to research the facts before making a decision.

Another mistake is to let money be the driver that persuades you to accept a position without getting all the information and expectations up front. Accepting a position that might not be the best match for your skill sets is a big risk. Setting yourself up to fail usually leads to changing jobs frequently. None of them are good career plans.

The next time you are tempted to make a job decision that’s based on salary, write down all the sacrifices you would make such as; time away from family, health related issues to stress, working for a company that does not match your value system or reporting to a boss you may not like. Pay attention to your answers — they will help you make a good choice and determine whether you are taking the job for the right reasons.

How has compensation influenced your career decisions?

Categories: General

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