Out of all the traits most likely to help you succeed in your career, self-awareness ranks high on the list among leaders. Developing self-insight not only helps you become a better employee, it helps boost your career toward a management role.

Self-awareness is one of the foundation blocks to developing emotional intelligence into why you react different in certain situations and send perceptions. When you are out of touch with your feelings, it’s difficult to convey understanding and that can block your opportunities to communicate with those around you.

The marketplace at times can be somewhat cold and is often described as “managing by spreadsheets”, emphasizing numbers instead of people. Developing self-awareness could seem like wasted energy paying attention to “soft” skills rather than the “technical” hard skills needed to get the job done but the way you relate to others often determines your career opportunities.

You can increase your self-awareness anytime by implementing a shift in your thinking. I like the way Stephen Covey describes the spirit of self-awareness as a “transfer of responsibility”. In other words, once you start listening to what you say and how you react to situations, your awareness changes.

Taking responsibility for the words you choose and your reactions to situations gives you a choice in how you respond.

Here are some common situations where developing self-awareness creates a positive outcome and will boost your career:

Be aware of your self-talk and get in touch with your feelings.

Trying to control others is pointless, no matter how hard you try hoping to change the way people behave is futile.

What you can do is acknowledge how you feel when working with them. For example, the comments your manager makes throughout the day create an unpleasant work space. Start by paying attention to your physical reactions to their comments. Do you become tense? Get defensive? Want to quit your job? Make a mental note of how you react and feel.

When you develop self-awareness, you are less likely to react negatively and can manage your emotions. Most challenges at work happen when people react rather than take responsibility for their own actions.

 Managing anger.

How many times at work are you faced with frustration or disappointment? Both can lead to anger if you aren’t aware of your feelings.

Whether you are right or wrong in work situations, it’s never a good idea to react out of anger toward others. Self-awareness will give you warning signals when things are getting tense. Such as yelling at your boss when they change plans for your project.

You can choose alternative ways to react, instead of screaming at your boss – take a breather, walk around the block. Acknowledge how you feel and decide on the best way to handle the situation.

 Handling stressful situations.

Stress is a part of life and not all stress is bad for your career, but stress than goes unmanaged leads to all kinds of problems at work. One of the best examples is working long hours without a break.

When you get too fatigued with too much time at work, you are more prone to get sick. I once heard a senior leader talk about exhaustion and how their weekends were spent trying to catch up on sleep instead of having fun with family and friends. They were too tired to move, much less handle difficult conversations at work.

Being self-aware helps you become more productive, taking care of your well-being is a part of your career development. Make plans to reduce your schedule, delegate assignments or choose priorities that keeps your energies high.

When you are stressed all the time, it can put a damper on your enjoyment at work. The transfer of responsibility starts with how you choose to react rather than suffer the consequences of being overwhelmed.

How has self-awareness helped your career?

Categories: General

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