When you go to a job fair, you definitely want to meet with representatives from the companies you’re most interested in. But there’s a hidden side to job fairs, a bonus of sorts for attending — the chance to research many companies and network with other job seekers.
To make the most of a job fair, you need to manage your expectations. Your job is to gather research and ask good questions of represented employers and the other job seekers standing in line with you.
The networking that takes place at a job fair is often overlooked, but job fair participants trade leads and share information throughout the event as they walk the exhibit halls.
Here are some ideas to help you make the most that job fair bonus:
Do your homework before the event. Check newspapers, professional publications, newsletters, online sites for advertised time/dates of the job fair and mentions of employers that will have booths.
Collect business cards, and follow-up with employers after the fair.
Develop a set of questions for recruiters and for fellow job seekers standing in line.
Take the opportunity to network informally (while waiting in line, for example). You never know who you will meet.
Put a job fair where it belongs — it is part of your overall job-search plan.
How have you made the most of a job fair?