One of the most perplexing things about today’s job market is the fact that it seems to take longer to find a job.
We are entering into a new job market that requires a different mind-set.
At one time, a length of a job search depended on the role you were seeking and your compensation needs, but this does not necessarily hold true today.
Being jobless for long periods can lead to isolation, a confused sense of identity and self-doubt. That’s the reason it’s difficult for some job seekers to break away and try something different. Anxiety produces tunnel vision.
Job seekers struggle with negative thoughts, especially when a search nears its one-year anniversary. An attitude of determination, flexibility and humility — along with a dose of entrepreneurial spirit — will help sustain your search over the long haul.
Here are suggestions to help break a long-term unemployment mind-set:
Engage in a new activity. Try reading a different book, taking a new route home, riding a bike instead of walking or drinking a new coffee. Breaking out of a routine helps jump-start creativity, and that’s what you need to stay alert for new opportunities.
Continue to expand your network by meeting new people. Consider taking a continuing-education course or volunteering.
Stay open to new opportunities. Avoid staying in regret mode, a place where you focus on what you are missing or could have had.
Play. This may sound like the opposite of serious job-search behavior, but when you allow yourself to wander off track, it’s surprising what you can discover about your job search.
Take care of your physical health as well as your mental health. During times of uncertainty, reach out to people and avoid going through a job search on your own.
Shake off past mistakes and learn from them. The insight gained will make you a stronger job candidate.