On an average day during a job search, you are likely to encounter a multitude of distractions that are pleading for your attention. The notion of taking a few minutes to be still and calm your mind can seem like a lofty dream set aside for someday when you are employed and on vacation, not so much during a job search when the stakes are high.

Zen monks believe the journey is more important than the destination, but job candidates tend to put more emphasis on the destination (landing a job) rather than enjoying what they are learning about themselves along the way.

It takes energy to conduct a job search and the longer unemployment lasts, the more challenging it becomes to enjoy the daily tasks of searching. Most people will readily admit that a job search is one of their least favorite activities even though it’s a part of their career growth.

To the job seekers who white-knuckle networking events and dread “selling” their experience to employers, meditation can be helpful. The benefits of relaxing a tired mind that is wound up from the stress of the unknown will help you focus on what’s really important – the factors you can control.

Often the stress of a job search relates to the things beyond your control, such as when an employer will call you back, job opportunities and when you will land a job. It can be difficult to find peace with a hectic mind that fills in the gaps of communication and continues to second-guess your interview skills, producing doubts when rejections come your way.

The truth is that when times are stressful and riddled with anxiety, mediation can be just what you need in order to move your search forward. Meditation helps you develop mindfulness, “remembering to be aware” whether in your daily activities or through meditation.

Mindfulness meditation can turn your job search around by giving your brain a rest. To stay upbeat you need a good balance of job hunting activities combined with internal strength to face the unpredictable in a search.

Part of staying energetic and conveying confidence relates to your internal dialogue while pursuing employment. Interviewers can distinguish candidates who are negative from those who have a positive disposition based on their attitude toward seeking opportunities.

Making a decision on a job offer can become part of the stress and mediation helps you become more aware of what’s important to you and in turn helps you become more creative. Knowing what you want in your career and what you value helps you make better decisions.

Everyone can learn to meditate. It’s not complicated; however, it does require being quiet and attentive. When you are concentrating on your breathing, you are more apt to listen and sort out the unproductive thoughts that keep you stressed.

Have you used meditation in your search? What were the benefits to you in using meditation?

Categories: General

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