Small talk: We make small talk every day, and it often is what builds relationships. If you’re in a job search, you need to know when it’s time to shift to a deeper conversation. Here’s an example of how small talk helped a job candidate forge new relationships and how it also cost him a job opportunity.
It happened when a job candidate in the middle of his morning job-search routine started thinking about taking a day off from applying for jobs to play golf. He headed to the course, and because he didn’t have a tee time, joined another group.
They chatted, and at some point during the game, the small talk shifted to more in-depth conversations. When he was asked where he worked, he said he was between jobs and looking. During the discussion, he shared his background and the types of jobs he was seeking. Out of the blue, one of the golfers mentioned he had a friend who worked in one of the areas he mentioned. Networking was under way, and before the game was over he had a name and contact information.
The job candidate started the next day with renewed energy. After his escape from an arduous day of sending in job applications he had a job lead. He made the call and the timing was perfect. There was a job opportunity that seemed like a good match. He was invited for an interview the following week, where he met the hiring decision-maker.
They met in the decision-maker’s office. They exchanged small talk about how the world seems so big yet suddenly, they shared an acquaintance because of golf. That discussion led to his interest in golf — how long he had played the game, what courses he liked and golf equipment. There was no mention of why he was called in for an interview, and while he felt good about having something in common with the hiring decision-maker, he felt awkward about bringing up the subject of a job interview.
The majority of time was spent on small talking, and although they were highly engaged in a discussion, the time reserved for talking business was slipping away.
It’s easy to hold the hiring decision-maker accountable for leading the interview, but the job candidate needs to be aware of when to stop the small talk and start focusing on the interview. The interview did not result in a job offer because the hiring decision-maker didn’t take the time to understand the job seeker’s background and the value he could bring to the company.
Small talk is a powerful way to open doors and build rapport with interviewers, but you play an equal role in deciding when it is time to stop the small talk and move the conversation toward the reasons you are there — to help solve the employer’s needs and land a job.
There are several things to learn from this experience:
Sometimes you need to break your routine and do something different.
Take a risk and join a group of people you don’t know.
Unexpected networking happens in a job search.
You never know who you are going to meet.
Small talk opens doors but it also can close them if you lose focus.
How would you rate small talk during an interview?