Habits — some are good, some are not — and if you’re looking for a job, bad habits can keep you from achieving your career dreams.

While everyone has a unique job-search experience, there are core habits that every successful job seeker has in common.

The top five job-search habits are:

1. Persistence: Being persistent in pursuit of your goals helps keep you focused. It’s easy to become discouraged when employers are not responsive. The one habit that will re-energize your search is persistence. Having a tenacious attitude keeps you moving ahead.

2. Follow up: There are so many ways to follow-up with people — e-mail, texts, phone calls, social networking, meetings and letters. Following up is a powerful way to keep your name in front of a decision maker, and you send the message you are motivated.

3. Resilience: Staying resilient will help you thrive in a competitive job-search market. While resilience is partly a trait one is born with, it can be developed, and it helps you cope with the unplanned events life often brings. Being able to regulate stress and bounce back is key to a good job search.

4. Stay connected: Keep yourself in the loop by maintaining a good presence online and in person. Stay connected to the trends in your field by attending professional-association meetings and reading industry trade journals and blogs. Those who stay connected increase their chances of uncovering a great opportunity.

5. Give back: A successful job search involves exchanging information. You share conversations, time and information with people. Volunteering is a great way to help people and keep your skills current. Giving back sends a message of goodwill that comes back to you in unexpected ways.

Categories: General

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