Panel or group interviews typically happen during the hiring phase of the interview process. In fact, it’s fairly common to be interviewed by a team of people when the position is one that will play a large role in the organization or when the position is one that has a high level of interaction with other team members.

These interviews can be stressful.

The strategy behind panel interviews usually involves observing how well the job candidate performs under pressure and how they interact with people in an unfamiliar setting.

The key is to acknowledge the group, as well as the person asking the question. Your communication skills definitely will be a factor, and this type of setting also can showcase your listening skills.

The team you will be working with typically is part of the panel interview, and your answers, as well as your non-verbal responses often will create a perception of your ability to work with well with others.

What can you do to make the most of a group interview?

Before the interview, ask the names, titles and roles of people participating.
Research the company to learn of any problems they are facing, the company culture and industry trends.
Maintain good eye contact and be aware of non-verbal behavior, such as fidgeting.
Convey enthusiasm through your tone of voice.
Be focused, and think about the question and your answer, if needed. This will convey your critical thinking skills.
Acknowledge each member of the panel.
If you’re not sure you understand a question, ask clarifying questions.
Remember, building chemistry is important with all interviews, but in a group session it is magnified. Technical skills may have landed you the first interview, but chemistry and how well you related to other people will keep the interviews moving toward to the offer stage. If you begin to feel overwhelmed focus on the moment, not the size of the group.

Categories: General

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