I’ve been asked if being in a bad job can make it hard for you to get a job that is a good fit. The simple answer is: Yes, it can. But, if you are in a bad job, don’t despair. There are steps you can take to do to change things for the better.

First, let’s look at why a bad job can seem to affect future jobs. There are several reason why staying in a bad job jeopardizes future opportunities, and perhaps the most obvious reason is that a bad job wears you down mentally. Have you ever been around someone who starts preparing on Sunday for the mental drain of going back to work on Monday? The dread of facing another workweek can make you sick. It also changes the way you perceive your future and affects your interactions with people.

If you’re caught in a bad job, perhaps the toughest thing to do is to weigh the risks of staying in the job versus the benefits of leaving. Facing the unknown — especially in today’s market where so many are seeking work — is tough. But the negative thoughts that can come from being stuck in an unhealthy work atmosphere can become such an obsession that they overshadow the joy of living each day.

Staying in a bad job can make you less-qualified for a good one because you can:

Come to doubt your ability to leave. It’s like staying in a relationship where you know intuitively it’s not working out, but you are not willing to leave.
Develop an attitude of apathy. This usually happens gradually. You find yourself becoming increasingly sarcastic and find you are going through the motions rather than being an active contributor.
Block your ability to be promoted because you lack internal motivation to grow professionally and that affects the way you communicate to those around you, especially decision-makers.
The definition of a bad job is not based on pay as much as it is based on the effect the job has on your skill sets and confidence in your future employability.

Now, what can you do to keep a bad job from affecting your future? Here are some actions you can take right now to help reduce the effects of staying in a bad job.

Take care of your health. Get plenty of exercise to reduce the stress and the underlying sense of depression a bad job can create.
Make sure you are eating well and getting enough sleep. So many people who feel stuck in a bad job tell me they can’t sleep because they can’t stop thinking about conversations they’ve had at work and the dread of facing the next day. An excellent way to deal with this is to write those thoughts in a journal. Often, getting them out of your head and on paper can help you relax. You can read them later to identify themes.
Make a plan. Having a plan helps you feel less powerlessness, something that often come from staying in a job you don’t like. Warding off the bad-job blues requires action on your part. You could plan to meet at least one person a week offline, for example. The encouragement and energy you get from connecting with people — in person and away from work — will help you gain insight and new job leads.
What are your thoughts on staying in a bad job? Do you think it makes you less qualified for a good one?

Categories: General

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